Every time I sit down to write a monthly baby update for Lil’ Ziggy, I’m not sure if I should say that the previous month flew by like nothing, or it dragged like it would never end. Because the truth is, my days are LONG. Moms of very young babies, I think you may be able to relate! Depending on what new thing Ziggy is doing, I’m sometimes just trying to get from one nap to the next. And it looks like it’s only going to get more challenging now that Ziggy is becoming more mobile. I love being a parent, but it is HARD WORK.
In spite of that, I really do appreciate all the wonderful developments Lil’ Ziggy has made over the past month. He and I spent June in Ontario with our families, and even they could see a drastic difference from when we first arrived to when we left:
Lil’ Ziggy is now 15.5 lbs!
Now there was some debate at Chris’ workplace over how much Ziggy weighed. We even did the ol’ standing on a scale alone, then holding Ziggy thing, and we were sure that he weighed somewhere around 18 lbs. He certainly feels like it! But the pediatrician weighed him in her office at only 15.5. That’s still a great weight, right on track for his height.
Even more than just his weight, I’m noticing how BIG he’s getting. I can barely call him Lil’ anymore! He’s almost completely out of 3-6 month clothing, especially with the cloth diapers. He may have been able to get a couple more weeks out of them if he was in disposables.
I’m also noticing how big his hands are getting. Everyone who sees him also comments on how long his little fingers are. Maybe he’ll end up being a piano player like his daddy!
Ziggy is noticing his hands and feet
This is really just in the beginning stage, but it’s so funny to watch. Ziggy will bring his hand, not clenched but held like pincers, up in front of his face, and stare at it cross-eyed. Then, slowly he’ll bring it to his mouth for a good ol’ chomp. It’s amazing how his movements are becoming more calculated.
He’s also starting to bring his legs up and even grab onto them, though I think the grabbing is more an accident than a deliberate movement. In any case, it’s adorable, though I have a feeling it’s the start of the “4-month leap”. I always wonder if tonight will be the night he decides to hit that sleep regression…
Ziggy is blowing raspberries
Just as adorable but many times more messy, Lil’ Ziggy is starting to blow raspberries and make farting noises with his tongue and mouth. Combined with a general uptick in the drool department, and I’m pretty much soaked in slobber for most of my day. Sophie the perpetually drooling cat doesn’t help either. But though at first Ziggy was startled when we blew raspberries back at him, he now cracks a smile when we do it. There’s no back and forth yet, but it’ll come and oh how entertaining it will be!
Ziggy is finding his voice (for better or for worse)
Lil’ Ziggy has decided that, rather than whine whenever he is uncomfortable or just generally ornery, he will now screech at the top of his lungs. And I mean a high-pitch, blood-curdling, ear-piercing screech that reverberates off the walls and drives me UP them. This is honestly the only real complaint I have about my sweet boy right now, but he screeches pretty much all day every day and it is seriously frying my nerves.
But there is nothing I can do about it because he’s only 4 months old. Ignoring it doesn’t work, and he doesn’t understand “no” or “owie” yet. When he has a clean diaper, comfy clothes, a full tummy and lots of interaction, he STILL finds a reason to screech. I’m just praying that this phase is short-lived. I’d take him crying all day long over the screeching. Any moms out there with screamers too? Advice, please!
Ziggy can roll from his back to his front (uh oh!)
This was the most exciting development to happen this week, even though I know increased mobility creates new challenges (mo’bility mo’ problems?). He had been arching his back in an odd way for a few days and we couldn’t figure it out. Arching his back and screeching, that is. We ruled out a physical problem and just figured he was exploring movement in the loudest way possible.
Turns out, he was figuring out how to turn from his back to his front, and was getting frustrated because he couldn’t lift his head while lying on his side. I had him on a blanket on the floor this past Tuesday, and all of a sudden he just… did it! He had this cute, surprised look on his face and he promptly rolled onto his back again, something he is becoming more and more skilled in now. While that means I can no longer let him chill on the ottoman while I fill up my water bottle, I know it’s the first step towards even more milestones like shuffling and crawling!
Oh the places you’ll go, Lil’ Ziggy, oh the places you’ll go!
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Aww what a cutie! 4 months is when things start getting fun and his personality really starts to show. I really enjoyed the 4-6 months stage where baby and I could really interact, but before he was mobile and trying to get into everything heh.
Yes, I am really starting to see my little guy’s personality coming out. He’s generally a happy baby, and I love finding new ways to make him laugh. Thanks for stopping by!