This’ll be a quick update this week. My brain has been just fried every night, but I wanted to at least get this out!
How Far Along: 33 Weeks!
Baby Size: Lil’ Ziggy is now probably over 4 lbs and is about 18 inches long.
Belly: Chris seems to think that I’ve dropped a bit, but I’m not so sure. I feel like I’m fuller on the lower part of my belly, but I don’t feel like anything else has come down yet. Unfortunately you can’t really tell in comparison to last week.
Sleep: It’s been better, lately. The last few nights I’ve been getting a solid 5-6 hours without interruption, which is so much appreciated.
Movement: Now all the baby books and websites say that at this point, Ziggy should be slowing down a bit and not moving around as much as before due to running out of womb, but I feel like he’s been MORE active. It’s just squirms and rolls all day every day, which makes it hard to concentrate on much else (it’s pretty fun to watch).
Food Cravings: Peanut butter sandwiches. On Friday, my brain randomly smelled peanut butter and that was it. I had to have all the peanut butter sandwiches. I’ve been eating at least one a day ever since.
Labour Signs: Still none, besides Chris thinking that the wee one has dropped a little, which is entirely possible and I just can’t see it.
What I Miss: Shopping at Modcloth, my favourite online clothing store. I’m lucky they don’t have a maternity line or I’d be so poor right now.
Preparing for Birth: I have a prenatal appointment after work tomorrow with Cinnamon my nurse practitioner, to see how Lil’ Ziggy is doing. I think at this point I’ll have to start seeing her every two weeks. I’m not sure at which point I have to start seeing an OB, but I’m hoping that everything is still really boring in there and I can just keep seeing Cinnamon for a little while longer. A simple OB appointment is an all-day affair up here with the astronomical wait times we have to put up with.
After dinner tomorrow, Brittany my doula is coming by the condo so we can go over my birth plan! I’ve been doing lots of research and I have several questions to ask Cinnamon tomorrow, so hopefully we can hammer out a plan that really reflects my values and wants during the birth.
I’d like to share my birth plan on here, but I’m on the fence about it. People tend to get super Judgy McJudgypants when it comes to these things. Thankfully my readership is still pretty low so the number of pearl-clutchers telling me I’m doing it wrong should be at a minimum!
Glad to read everything is progressing nicely. Not much longer now. Your doing a great job. xox